Rate OTU picture

Rate OTU

ReactJS, MongoDB, NodeJS, Express

Demo review website for Ontario Tech University Professors. Was developed using MERN Stack.
Meme Generator - Web Application picture

Meme Generator - Web Application

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS

Meme Generator Web App. Allows pre-selected images as well as custom uploaded images.
Password Manager - Web App picture

Password Manager - Web App

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS

Password Generator based on hashing. Remember one password but have different passwords for each website you visit with the power of hashing. Click to use Generator and read more about the project.
Connect Four picture

Connect Four

Java, Socket Programming

Connect Four Application made in Java using JavaFX. Uses Java Socket programming to connect multiple clients to the server on which the game is played. Click to see code & Demo on GitHub
Amberlea Tennis Club picture

Amberlea Tennis Club

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bulma

Amberleas Tennis Club Website developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and Bulma
CAPTCHA Code Generator picture

CAPTCHA Code Generator

Python, TensorFlow, TensorFlowJS, Machine Learning

Generative Adversarial Network trained to generate CAPTCHA Codes.
Grab The Green Dots - Android Game picture

Grab The Green Dots - Android Game

C#, Unity3D

Android game built using Unity. Programming done using C# and custom graphics made using Adobe Photoshop. Click to see code and view Demo on Github
Tic-Tac-Toe picture



Tic Tac Toe game with either AI opponent or second player. Different board sizes available as well
Text Filters picture

Text Filters


Applies multiple text filters to inputted Strings using ASCII manipulation. Ex Filters: Capitalize, Capitalize First Letter, Capitalize First Letter Of Every Word, Obenglobish, Reverse String, To Lower, Randomize
Beat The Circle - Android Game picture

Beat The Circle - Android Game

C#, Unity3D

Android game built using Unity. Programming done using C# and custom graphics made using Adobe Photoshop. Click to see code and view Demo on Github
Stop-Sign-Detector 🛑🛑 picture

Stop-Sign-Detector 🛑🛑

Python, OpenCV

Python program using OpenCV that uses Template Matching, Image Pyramids and other techniques to find stop signs in an image. Click to see more
Keypoints & Feature Descriptor 📓 picture

Keypoints & Feature Descriptor 📓

Python, OpenCV

Python program using OpenCV. Compares how similar images are by finding Descriptors in each image, matching the Descriptors from each image and comparing the results with a similarity score. Click to see more

This site was built using React :)